Career Development Coaching
If you need general Career Development advice, JJ Talent Solutions' Career Coaching is designed to assist you with identifying your best career pathway, enabling you to discover and apply your strengths and capabilities, and supporting you as you pursue your next career phase, move forward and get rewarded with increased job satisfaction and meaning.
This session could include:
Discussing what you would like to achieve from the Career Development sessions and us providing direction on how to proactively accomplish these goals.
Exploring the job market and opportunities and together agreeing on a job search strategy, including how to maximise your professional brand, social media and other networking mechanisms effectively.
Identifying and defining your transferable skills and capabilities and how they apply to the career/position/s you are interested in.
Directing you to useful templates, links and other information.
JJ Talent Solutions may ask you to complete psychometric assessments. The purpose of these is to gain further insight into your preferences and capabilities, and use the information to provide more detailed advice.
* This will incur additional charges.*