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Group of people in a recruitment meeting

Recruitment Process Management

Interview Scribing and Preparing Selection Reports 

Professional scribing ensures that interviews and other detailed selection discussions are recorded accurately, written up expertly and quickly, and allows for the efficient and timely finalisation of selection processes.

Providing Advice on Innovative Sourcing Strategies and Assessment Methodologies

An effective Employee Value Proposition and advertising strategy ensures maximum reach and the attraction of the right number of quality and well-suited talent. Utilising the most effective assessment methodology for each recruitment process ensures efficiency and accuracy.

Designing Bulk Recruitment Processes

When large numbers of positions need to be placed and/or large numbers of applications need to be assessed, an expertly designed and executed multi-stage acquisition process is the best solution.

Preparing Insightful Interview Questions

Evidence-based questions provide the best opportunity for interviewees to offer information about how they have succeeded in the past, indicating that they are able to do the same in future positions.   


Sourcing, Conducting and Providing Feedback on Psychometric and Other Assessments

The correct use of Psychometric and other assessments, and the expert interpretation and application of the results, can add immense value by providing advanced insights into the capabilities of employees or applicants.

Shortlisting of Applications 

Appropriately screening applications against requirements can reduce the amount of time spent interviewing unsuitable applicants.

Participating as an Independent Interview Panel Member or Assessor

Fulfilling a requirement for an objective, external selection panel member or an additional Assessor for Assessment Centres.

Conducting Reference Checks

The additional evidence provided by referees can often corroborate that collected by the selection panel. Discerning questions often uncover supplementary information to assist with the selection decision.

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